
Showing posts from December, 2021

Goose Pond Hike

 This past weekend in Keene I decided to go on another hike. I wanted to find a spot close to campus that I haven't visited yet. The goose pond loop stretches around the pond for 2.1 miles and is a lovely trail to walk your dog or just get outside.  On Saturday morning I packed a bag and began my adventure to hopefully see some cool new things. All the snow on the roads and sidewalks were melted but as i began my like i saw that there was still a layer of snow on the ground of the woods. I figured this was because the sun had a harder time reaching it. The trail was very uphill at the start but then began to level out I neared the pond. I heard water rushing and found a little river flowing from the pond, I wanted to follow it and see where it lead. It was 30 degrees out but the wind made it feel like it was much colder. The main trail is very open which is good for walking but if you like to get off the path there are plenty of smaller trails off the main one that are thicker...

Application #3 Nixon and The Clean Water Act

 Prominent figure in Environmental History  Richard Nixon was the 37th President of the United States that did things that no other president has. Nixon put into law the only environmental protection laws and are still law today. According to the article "Richard Nixon and the Rise of American Environmentalism" ,  "Nixon also recognized the huge political power of environmentalism, which blossomed into a popular movement just around the time of his election. During the late 1960s early 1970s, people became aware to what was happening around them in the environment and the harm being caused. Earth day 1970 had the biggest turnout of people to date. People knew they had to change and the big companies took advantage of that shaming us while taking no responsibility for causing the problem. In the article "Nixon's Green Legacy" some of the most memorable environmental laws he passed included, "The Clean Air Act of 1970, The Clean Water Act of 1972, ...