Application #3 Nixon and The Clean Water Act

 Prominent figure in Environmental History 

Richard Nixon was the 37th President of the United States that did things that no other president has. Nixon put into law the only environmental protection laws and are still law today. According to the article "Richard Nixon and the Rise of American Environmentalism",  "Nixon also recognized the huge political power of environmentalism, which blossomed into a popular movement just around the time of his election. During the late 1960s early 1970s, people became aware to what was happening around them in the environment and the harm being caused. Earth day 1970 had the biggest turnout of people to date. People knew they had to change and the big companies took advantage of that shaming us while taking no responsibility for causing the problem. In the article "Nixon's Green Legacy" some of the most memorable environmental laws he passed included, "The Clean Air Act of 1970, The Clean Water Act of 1972, created the EPA and passed the Endangered Species Act of 1973." All of these laws were in place to protect what is natural about the world and ultimately try to stop pollution and the decline of our planet. Looking back we can see that the goal was not reached in stoping the pollution but the foundation is there for real change.  Another quote from "Nixons Green Legacy" states, "Try to imagine a political leader in either party advocating for such a bold pro-environment agenda today, let along getting even a fraction of Nixon-level laws passed. I certainly can’t." We haven't seen from any president what we have seen from Nixon in term of a push for updated environmental laws. 

                               Richard Nixon, original photo from The National Archives and Record service

Nixon and The Clean Water Act of 1972

As we know the only environmental acts that have been passed in the United States was by Richard Nixon. One of the most significant policy he signed off on was The Clean Water Act of 1972. According to the EPA, "The Clean Water Act establishes the basic structure for regulating discharges of pollutants into the waters of the United States and regulating quality standards for surface waters." Water is essential to life and this act protected the essential ingredients for life. Americans did not want their kids to grow up not being able to experience the wonders of the natural world. At the time, Americans were trying to make amends with the environment. Earth day 1970 had the biggest turnout in history, the president knew what the people wanted and he gave them exactly that.  Nixon was instrumental in this process because without him we wouldn't have some of the laws in place that protect us and our resources around us like clean drinking water. It should be a basic right for all Americans to have access to this and the CWA made sure of it. The EPA stated it, "Implemented pollution control programs such as setting wastewater standards for industry. EPA has also developed national water quality criteria recommendations for pollutants in surface waters." Companies cannot dump their waste anywhere like they did before. The Clean Water Act of 1972 protected this and untimely saved many lives in the process. Today we need to reform this act because it did not solve the problem 100 percent. 

                                        Nixon signing the CWA of 1972

How Life in Keene Would Be Different Without This Policy 

Without the Clean Water Act life in Keene would be much different. According to the EPA, "The
 National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System permit program controls discharges." This implies that factories, and industry have to obtain permits before they are allowed to discharge their waste into surface water. If we were not to have this in place in Keene, The Ashuelot River for one would be contaminated with waste products from nearby companies. This is because if there wasn't a law that prevented companies from dumping their waste in certain areas and having to obtain permits to do so, the river would be contaminated and people wouldn't be allowed near it in case of exposure. Wonderful places like in Keene like Goose Pond would not be available for the public to use if this Clean Water Act did not pass. Almost all fishing along with any other water activities would be prohibited for public health and safety. New Hampshire has a lot of industry which would be very harmful to the environment if it wasn't for the Clean Water Act. 

                            Goose Pond Keene N.H. by Lorianne DiSabato 

Richard Nixon in Candidates Campaign Rally in Albuquerque, October 31, 1970

Song that represents policy Youtube Video: "Water is for Life"  which explains the importance and necessity of water. 
